
Privacy Policy for

Last Updated: 2024-04-12

Who we are
Our website is: and we are MatrixTech LLC, a company located in Austin, Texas, USA. Our service is a Windows or Office plugin application that helps users work more efficiently with Excel.

What data we collect
We do not upload users’ full data sets. We only upload necessary Excel worksheet structure information to the AI service providers’ API development environments like OpenAI and Google. These companies have committed to not storing any user data uploaded to their AI services.

As part of our commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information, when you sign in through Google, ExcelMaster will receive your name, email address, language preference, and profile picture from Google. We collect this information to personalize and enhance your experience on

ExcelMaster adheres to industry-standard practices to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data. We only use your information to provide and improve our services and will not share it with third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law. Your data is stored on secure servers and is protected against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Embedded AI services
Our application interacts with artificial intelligence services provided by companies like OpenAI and Google. These third-party AI providers may collect metadata about the Excel worksheet structures processed through their services in order to improve their AI models. However, they have policies in place to not persistently store or retain any actual user data.

Data retention
We retain user registration data for account management purposes. Logged Excel worksheet metadata processed by third-party AI services is not stored beyond the duration required to provide the AI-enhanced functionality.

Your data rights
Users can update or delete their account profile information stored with us at any time. You can also request an export of the data we have stored about your account. 

Where data is processed
Excel worksheet metadata may be processed by AI service providers’ systems located globally to enable the AI-enhanced features of our application.