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The VBA InStr Function: A Complete Guide for Excel Automation

Posted by Rosa Rugosa

Understanding InStr Function

The InStr function returns a numeric value indicating the position where a substring first appears within a text string. If no match is found, it returns 0.

[Insert YouTube Video: "Excel VBA (Macro) Instr Function" by Chris Terrell -] This video provides a comprehensive overview of the InStr function basics

Basic Syntax

InStr([start], string1, string2, [compare])
Parameter Description
start Optional. Starting position for search (default: 1)
string1 Required. The main string to search within
string2 Required. The substring to search for
compare Optional. Comparison type (0=Binary, 1=Text)

Common Use Cases

Text Position Finding

Sub FindTextPosition()
    Dim website As String
    website = ""
    MsgBox InStr(1, website, "excel") 'Returns: 5
End Sub

Return Values

Return Values Decision Tree.png

Input Condition Return Value
String1 is empty 0
String2 not found 0
String2 is found Position number
Start > String2 0

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