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Why Excel Power Users Should Learn AI Programming Tools in the Age of AI

Posted by Henry

TLDR: Excel power users can significantly enhance their capabilities and career prospects by learning AI programming tools. These tools offer advanced data processing, automation, and analysis features that go beyond Excel's native capabilities. With the rise of AI-assisted coding, the learning curve for programming has dramatically shortened, making now the ideal time for Excel experts to expand their skill set.

In the digital age, Microsoft Excel has long been the cornerstone of the business world. However, as data scales expand and analytical needs become increasingly complex, the native capabilities of Excel are beginning to show their limitations. For Excel power users, acquiring programming skills, particularly in AI-driven tools, is no longer optional—it's a necessity to maintain a competitive edge in an AI-driven business environment. This article explores why Excel experts should embrace AI programming tools, the benefits they offer, and how the AI revolution is making this transition easier than ever before.

Why Excel Experts Need to Learn Programming

1. Enhanced Data Processing and Analysis

While Excel handles most common data formats admirably, it struggles with unstructured data and complex datasets. Learning languages like VBA and Python can significantly extend Excel's functionality. For instance, Python effortlessly processes complex data formats such as JSON, XML, and SQL databases—areas where Excel often falls short.

2. Efficient Automation

Excel's GUI is intuitive, but it's a bottleneck for repetitive tasks. VBA can automate processes within Excel, while Python, coupled with libraries like Xlwings, can execute more complex automation sequences. Tasks like data import, cleaning, analysis, and report generation can be accomplished with just a few lines of code.

3. Handling Large Datasets

As data volume increases, Excel files can become sluggish or even crash. Programming languages like Python, with libraries such as pandas, not only process large volumes of data faster but also perform complex data cleaning, transformation, and aggregation operations, effectively sidestepping the performance issues associated with large Excel files.

4. Creating Reproducible Analysis Workflows

Repeating complex analyses in Excel often means manually redoing all steps. With programming, you can recreate entire analysis processes with a single command. Python's Jupyter Notebook, for example, allows you to save code, data, and visualizations together, making the analysis process transparent and easily shareable or reproducible.

5. Advanced Statistical and Machine Learning Capabilities

Python's scikit-learn and TensorFlow libraries enable the construction of sophisticated predictive models and in-depth statistical analyses that are challenging to implement in a pure Excel environment.

6. Advanced Data Visualization

While Excel's charting capabilities are robust, Python libraries like matplotlib and seaborn can create more advanced and interactive visualizations, providing deeper insights into your data.

7. Future-Proofing Your Skills

Microsoft is also recognizing the importance of programming in Excel. They are currently beta testing Python in Excel, which will allow users to use Python directly within Excel spreadsheets. While this feature has its own limitations (as discussed in this analysis by the creator of xlwings), it underscores the growing importance of programming skills for Excel users. Learning these skills now will ensure you're well-prepared for the future of data analysis and manipulation in Excel.

The Golden Age of Programming in the AI Era

Recent technological advancements have made learning to program easier and more efficient than ever:

1. Revolutionary Progress in AI Programming Assistants

Have you heard about Cursor? It's this new AI tool that's got even the big shots talking. Andrej Karpathy, the AI guru, recently dropped some mind-blowing insights about the future of programming. Check this out:

kaparthy2.png Karpathy's talking about a tool called Cursor that's changing the game. He says programming is now more about writing English prompts and letting AI fill in the code. It's like having a super-smart coding buddy who can knock out 100 lines of code in seconds. What used to take him 10+ minutes is now done in the blink of an eye. This isn't just cool tech talk - it's a glimpse into how coding is becoming more accessible, even for those who aren't traditional programmers.

2. The Rise of Low-Code/No-Code Solutions

But what if you're not ready to dive into full-on coding just yet? No worries. There's a whole new world of no-code tools popping up. One that's making waves is Wordware:


Wordware lets you build AI applications without writing a single line of code. They recently launched an AI Roast tool that analyzes Twitter personalities, and it went viral, making some serious cash in the process. It's a perfect example of how non-techies can create cool (and profitable) AI apps. This trend shows that even if you're an Excel whiz with limited coding experience, you can still jump into the AI game and create powerful applications.

3. Shortened Learning Curve

With AI tools, the programming learning curve has become much less steep. Skills that once took months to master can now be put into practical use in just a few weeks.

4. New Career Opportunities

As data continues to play a crucial role in business decision-making, professionals who can combine programming skills with data processing and analysis will have a significant competitive advantage. Merging programming skills with Excel expertise can open up new career paths.

Getting Started with Programming

1. Choose the Right Starting Point

For Excel users, VBA is an ideal entry point due to its tight integration with the Excel environment. After mastering VBA, progressing to Python can further expand data processing and analysis capabilities.

2. Leverage AI Programming Assistants

Utilize AI-driven programming tools to accelerate the learning process. These tools not only generate code but also explain code functionality, serving as valuable learning aids. There are several types of AI assistants available:

  1. General-purpose AI assistants like ChatGPT Plus and Claude: While powerful, they often lack understanding of specific Excel structures and may generate template code that requires significant modification.

  2. Microsoft Copilot for Excel: This integrated solution is still in its early stages and may not be fully mature in handling VBA and Python tasks within Excel.

  3. Specialized tools like These products are designed specifically for Excel users, offering deep integration of coding capabilities and a thorough understanding of Excel structures. They can provide more accurate and context-aware assistance for Excel-related programming tasks.

By choosing the right AI programming assistant, you can significantly enhance your learning experience and productivity. Specialized tools like may offer the most tailored support for Excel power users looking to expand their programming skills.

3. Start with Real-World Problems

Select actual problems encountered in your daily work as practice projects. This approach maintains learning motivation and allows for immediate application of new skills.

4. Continuous Learning and Practice

Improving programming skills requires ongoing learning and practice. AI programming assistants can help you continually challenge yourself and solve increasingly complex problems.


In the AI era, learning to program is no longer a daunting task for Excel experts, but rather a field full of opportunities. By mastering programming skills, you can transcend Excel's limitations and gain a new competitive edge in your career. Tools like, designed specifically for Excel users, are making this transition more accessible than ever.

As Microsoft integrates Python into Excel and other tools like emerge to bridge the gap between traditional spreadsheets and advanced programming capabilities, the fusion of Excel expertise and programming skills is becoming increasingly valuable.

Now is the perfect time for Excel power users to embrace AI programming tools and elevate their data processing capabilities. By combining Excel expertise with the power of programming, we can create greater value in this data-driven world. Let's look forward to this future full of possibilities and prepare ourselves to make the most of it.